marți, 15 noiembrie 2016


Do you need a quick, efficient and low cost safety learning that could be personalized and individualized in order to have a maximal imprint for the subject? Do you need critical safety learning which will cut the bullshit and would communicate just the essential?
The paper presents the way to develop a Critical Safety Learning Package (CSLP). All the important issues are processed as knowledge and transferred into a dedicated network of ontologies- with capabilities for further search.
-        for the worker- because it is exactly the safety knowledge needed to keep him/her alive and healthy;
-        for the task being done because it assures the knowledge on how to do it safely- the only correct way to do it so.
-        for the manager- because at the end of the day he could compute the costs and the benefits and make his decisions- if needed- to allocate more resources.
Given a targeted system educational model, critical safety learning for this system is extracted using techniques that are presented in the paper- in order to from the Internal Safety Learning Issues (ISLI). Continuous educational interactions with the workers (through safety knowledge seeds) are telling us if the content is: 1. critical; 2. needed; 3. understandable; 4. learnable taking into account the resources; 5. of a certain success that could be expressed in costs
Defining ISLI is conducting to the build-up of the Safety Learning Impact Knowledge Model (SLIKM) that is putting together specific risks that are identified for a certain activity with the given (and further) safety educational content to see if they match or if there is an imbalance somewhere.
ESLI and ISLI and the knowledge based study of the educational resulting feedback- till now (loss, incidents, accidents vs. number of workers that were formally trained, costs, etc.) are giving the structure of the further Critical Learning Package.
CSLP is built on the following steps:
-assessment of what was done before, what is in place as learning;
-establishment of ESLI and ISLI as lists of requirements for the project;
-analysis of former results of the safety learning together with the analysis on how was this learning received in order to improve it;
-development of ontology based knowledge structures;
-development and implementation of CSLP;
-feedback analysis and improvements;
A human factors approach to safety is implemented inside. It differs from traditional safety training in that the focus is balanced with the technical knowledge and skills required to perform specific tasks, and with the cognitive and interpersonal skills needed to effectively manage a team-based, high-risk activity.

A system of critical learning KPI allows to optimize the learning and to balance continuously investment and results. 

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